Global Giving is a charity fundraising web site that gives social entrepreneurs and non-profits from anywhere in the world a chance to raise the money that they need to improve their communities.

Since 2002, Global Giving has raised $57,726,483 from 248,305 donors who have supported 5,204 projects.

MMHF applied for funding to the same institution to support education of vulnerable nurse students in the following categories; children orphaned by HIV AIDS, the internally displaced from civil wars and are bread winners for their extended families.

Project Coverage

The project at the moment covers nursing students studying at Mayanja Memorial Medical Training Institute taking course of 2 -3 years from more than twelve districts in Uganda.

Project Implementation

The sponsorship scheme is managed by a committee. Notices to apply for this fund are made on public notices.

Applications are reviewed by the committee and the eligible students are awarded the scholarship. Sometimes it may be important to get additional information about the student through visiting their homesteads, visiting community liaison officers and local council 1 chairperson.

Program Achievements

The scheme supported 18 students, 16 successfully completed their studies and are now employed in different health care facilities. 1 student was discontinued due to poor performance and 1 other student has been made to repeat their academic year.

Efforts are underway to establish scheme alumni so that in future, they may carry on with the good cause to support other needy students in their communities/country.

There is need to consider initiating a drive to generate resources locally to support more students. The efforts to continue with global giving will continue.